Jan 22, 2020
Today we warmly welcome Jenna Redfield, founder of the wildly successful Twin Cities Collective, onto the show. Jenna shares some of the insights she has gained along the way to being the social media strategist, online community leader, and Facebook group administrator extraordinaire that she is.
Jan 8, 2020
Conference Chair for NAPO 2020, Wendy Buglio, a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO) with a background in advertising, shares the direct impact that attending these yearly events has had on her business and career. She also tells us more about the NAPO 2020 theme, schedule, the four different tracks attendees...
Jan 8, 2020
Conference Chair for NAPO 2020, Wendy Buglio, a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO) with a background in advertising, shares the direct impact that attending these yearly events has had on her business and career. She also tells us more about the NAPO 2020 theme, schedule, the four different tracks attendees...
Jan 8, 2020
We are joined by Christine Stone of Neatly Organized! Our main topic for today is client interaction and the most important things to bring to these relationships. Christine believes strongly in honesty, confidence, and experience as pillars that make for healthy interactions through potentially difficult waters.